“The quest for a fantastic future”

“The quest for a fantastic future”

Credits : Elon musk biography by :  Ashlee Vance , Blomberg, Forbes , tesla.

Everyone has a role model someone that you look up to and say one day I want be be like him . I found inspiration in a man dubbed as the “Real life iron man” someone who is the personification of the saying “If you can dream it you can achieve it “.

He is none other than ELON MUSK .

The story that I am about to narrative  is of  the rise of a man from nowhere to the title of the “next Steve Jobs ” one of the biggest risk takers in the world .” Innovations ” like never before that are changing the world we live in as you read this , and most importantly” Imagination” every one of them revolutionary ,may it be the next mode of transportation by the “hyper-loop” or the”Tesla cars” , the power ball or the quest for a cleaner energy source with solar city , the gigafactory or the ambition of sending man on Mars and colonizing it . And for the people who are not fascinated by the great achievements , let’s talk money,  he started With $28,000 and now worth” $22.3 billion “

“For an aspiring entrepreneur like me and the millions of people who know about him , he is an inspiration. “

In a hundred years, when most people reading this and  I the person who has written this are long gone, Musk’s cars and rockets will still be circling the Earth and the skies.

How can such a person get started against all odds is the question I ask here. And, more importantly,what can we learn from him?

He is worth studying – you don’t get insight into the extraordinary by studying the ordinary. Even with a 1 % size of Musk we may find something in the way he started out that is fundamentally borrowable.

Sure, we can’t recreate the exact circumstances of his life for ourselves – we all have different parents, live in different countries, and have different bodies. Despite all the differences, we have control over our mindset as much as he does over his. This part of Musk we can borrow. The ways he deals with uncertainty, the books he reads, the ways he makes promises, and patches up his own mistakes are all borrowable.

You might be skeptical about how studying another person’s life can help?Trust me it does !

Learning Faster Than You Are Supposed To” :

A pivotal moment in Musk’s life came when he got his computer. It came along with a BASIC programming language workbook. The workbook was supposed to take 6 months, but he decided to stay up for 3 nights in a row and finished the whole thing. Within 3 days he basically was a programmer by the 1984 standards. His new skill brought his first success – he wrote a video game called Blastar and sold it for $500.

Gandhiji said no work is to be considered small , so does Elon say’s.

Getting His Hands Physically Dirty :

Musk doesn’t seem to think that physical work is beneath him. He embraces it. When he moved to Canada at 17 on his own, he sought out a job that required him shoveling dirt in a boiler room wearing a hazmat suit. Even today, with his designer clothes on, Musk walks the floor of his rocket factory and sometimes gets physically involved in the process – his clothes ruined with epoxy.

“If you can imagine it you can do it “

Sharing his Ambitious Plans :

Compared to other people and companies, Musk has an unusually futuristic outlook. He has made and shared his plans for as far away as his death on Mars after he helps a million people move there on his rockets at $500,000 per ticket. It’s easy to dismiss this as marketing hype – and people did dismiss a younger Musk .By now it’s clear though that he lives up to his ambitions .

He is the personification of the saying failure is the first stepping stone to success.

Not Looking Back

Musk is known for not hanging on to things or people. He looks forward. Ironically he might have a lot more to look back at and be sorry about than many. His first child died at 10 months old, he divorced his first wife, the first 3 times he launched his rockets they blew up – one of them destroying an expensive NASA payload. He has blown promises, missed deadlines, miscalculated costs and had to charge customers extra after they had already paid (Musk had to ask 400 customers who already prepaid to add extra $17,000 for each Roadster). This list alone is enough.

I believe, to make most people look back and infer that maybe it’s time to reign in the ambition, to mend relationships, etc. But that is not the point – for all his failings, Musk is capable of greatness. His products justify his mistakes. At the age of 44 he still has more to gain than he has lost – more rockets to launch, more cars to manufacture, and even more children to have.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

Starting Really Small

Compared to what Musk is doing now – electric cars, rockets, and solar panels his first businesses were ridiculously straightforward – selling computer parts from his dorm room, running a glorified speakeasy from his house in college. Would he do this if he saw a straight path to making electric cars back in college? I think not.

It looks like he took incremental steps towards a goal he had no idea how to reach at the beginning.

Most people would say that it’s the lack of money that prevents them from starting a startup. Musk’s biographer  tells the amount he had when he started. Between him and his brother Kimbal they had $28,000 that came from their father plus $6,000 from their friend Greg Kouri, who joined as a co-founder of Zip2 . Today the $34,000 adjusted for inflation would be $53,000. This amount was enough to set up an office in Palo Alto. Musk and his brother slept in the office, and survived on a diet of fast food.

Self study is the best study . we at Sinhgad college of engineering are aware of it , just joking but it is true in Elon’s case .

Teaching Himself From Books

When Musk decided to do something with space he apparently realized that he needed to learn about space himself.

Jim Cantrell, an aerospace engineer that Musk cold called back in 2001 said this about how Musk learns, “He literally sucks the knowledge and experience out of people that he is around. He borrowed all of my college texts on rocket propulsion when we first started working together in 2001. ”

Jim Cantrell

No matter what , never quit.

How Many Tries Does It Take?

It took 4 tries for Musk to successfully launch his first rocket. This number is low compared to his competitors who blew up a lot more hardware before it would fly.

There is one key difference, though – Musk only had enough money to launch 4 times. If the 4th time didn’t fly that would have been it.

Let’s learn from this extraordinary man and be brave enough to  at least dream.

“The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do”

Steve Jobs

Shubham Rangari ©

How to be single 

The thing about being single is you should cherish it because in a week or a lifetime of being alone you may get only one moment, one moment when you are not tied up in a relationship with anyone a parent , a pet , a sibling or a friend. One moment when you stand in your own really truly single and then it’s gone .

Recently I saw this movie named “how to be single”the story is the tale of a typical young lady living in New York city who is fed up of her relationships and wants to explore the world . In her narrative I found inspiration to write this blog . 

See there no right way or a wrong way to be single it’s relatively. Most people are embarrassed to admit that they are single and pretend that they are not. Even if they do admit to being single they try to act cheerful and happy about it . 

The truth is being single has a lot of advantages. You are free to do whatever you want you are not answerable to any one except yourself. You can  hangout with friends , party , dance , run,play or do whatever you love . 

Relationships comes with a lot of obligations but when you are single you are free . You can hang out with who ever you want . Basically you can enjoy life unrestricted. It is easy for you to peruse you goals and achieve targets as you have a lot of free time . 

Being single for a long time helps you develop yourself into a  emotionally and mentally strong person . The list of advantages goes on and on and has different dimensions to it  . Either you are single or in a relationship both the cases have their own flaws and blessings. It’s is up to you  how you take it .

This particular time between relationships of being single . when may be our real life is happening , so go ahead cherish it and make it worth . And yet again I say The thing about being single is you should cherish it because in a week or a lifetime of being alone you may get only one moment, one moment when you are not tied up in any relationship with anyone . One moment when you stand in your own really truly single and then it’s gone  

Being one with ourselves .

(This particular blog is Spontaneous flow of “thoughts” that I had this evening. The most powerful thing we have are these thoughts . I am deeply thankful to you for reading it . God bless .)
Here I am sitting on the top of my building , on the water tank . looking at the sun set into the horizon . cool breeze touching from all sides , like it wants to sooth me . Birds fly back to their home, the trees move to and fro in unison . I watch closely as the sky changes its color like a dynamic painting . I can see the mountains fade away , they become one with the sky like two individuals combine to be one. Life they say has become very busy , hectic and stressful. We study , work , raise a family and then die. Do you think that this happens to be the only reason we are here for ? Life is what we make of it , yes we have to do what is needed in life but we can’t miss out on the basic things that makes us human .
Engineering , law, medicine , business these are noble persuits , but poetry , love , beauty , wisdom & romance these are what makes us human .
When was the last time you went on a walk with a friend ?
When did you lie on the ground and watch the stars shine in the sky or watch the sun set or the birds fly or throw pebbles into a lake , saw the rainfall on the ground ,
talk to a loved one without getting distracted by you phone , sing along with your favorite song ?????
My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
The fact is that we are so busy in the race that we have forgotten that we are humans afterall , we have become very conscious about what people think of us rather than being ourselves.
What separates normal people with the ones who become successful and worthy is the simple fact that they realise that they are a soul , they connect with nature and God , treat everyone with compassion .
Be happy , express yourself , gain wisdom not just knowledge , connect with everyone , be true and Honest .
In the words of Lord Buddha :
“We are what we think , all that we are arises from our thoughts , with our thoughts we make our world .

A new life


-Shubham Rangari

Every year when the new year arrives we tend to make numerous new year resolutions , go around town telling people what we are gonna do in that new year . but how many of such resolutions make it ?
I am not a preacher and this article is not a lecture , but a shloka to meditate upon . question yourself , challenge yourself ,invest in yourself , work on yourself , no matter what . YES YOU CAN !!!
Your thinking reflects where you came from.Change who you are.Change the way you have been going around your life.Change these concepts that you have created in your mind in the past years.
A New Year a New Me, a New Life, it is not the moment of the clock that produces the newness of life it is the moment in your mind.In Order to do something you have never done you have to be someone you have never been ,that’s the reason why you must be born again.You have to die as you are now to become someone you want to be.You have to be willing to give up who you are now for what you can “BECOME”.A New outfit does not make you a new person and if you think that you can magically become a new person “YOU ARE WRONG!” I say that a new life comes from a new mind a new way to look at your life.

An Undisciplined life is an Insane Life.The road of life is straight and narrow,full of valleys and hills but a few people are willing to discipline themselves to take it on.You have to believe in your self. You have to believe in your Abilities.

You can never get to that level where you want to be Economically, Emotionally, Intellectually and Physically until you start investing in your mind. ”Are you reading books? “ If not start today not tomorrow.I am asking you to invest time in yourself.

If it was easy everybody would become the national champion,Millionare or Billionare,A superstar or Astronaut. But it isn’t easy . You have to do what you are supposed to do to create yourself.
You might argue that you don’t know how to do it.I say learn of whatever is required. “LEARN”
Just go out there it is possible to get what you want.
“Elon Musk is a Self taught programmer.He learned building rockets by reading books.Today he is the proud owner of tesla motors, SpaceX and Solar city with a net worth of 13 $ billion.”
This example shows that anything is possible.Life is about believing in yourself ,challenging yourself,Improving yourself.If you want your life to go to the next level you have to change your mindset at the point when you start hurting yourself really bad,When you cant take no more. ” You can do Anything! ”,”The only thing you cant do is QUIT!”

Whatever you want to become you can. For that you have to start to recreate yourself. You have to reborn. The Keyword that will help you transform is Commitment.Whatever commitment you have made keep the commitment to your commitment no matter what it is.If it is hard then do it hard but keep your commitment.

Never give up !

Keep trying till you get what you want !

Here are a few words of wisdom that will inspire you to keep going towards your dream .
(Originally compiled)



Dont say you don’t have enough time , you have exactly the same number of hours that were given to Dr.APJ ABDUL KALAM , HELLEN KELLER ,DR.B.R.AMBEDKAR ,



Adopt right attitude to convert a negative stress into a positive one .

3.Trust your dreams .
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something , not even yourself .
If you have a dream , you have to protect it . when people can’t do something themselves then they are going to tell you that you can’t do it either. Trust yourself , believe in the beauty of of your dreams .
You want something , go get it “

5 rules to success .
1.Trust yourself .
2.Break the rules .
3.Don’t be afraid to fail .
4.Ignore the naysayers .
5. Remember you have only 24 hours in a day .

Is India truly intolerant ?

We clapped when as ACP Ajay Rathore, you destroyed a sweet-talking Gulfam Khan in Sarfarosh. We cheered when as Bhuvan, you played the winning shot in Lagaan. We cried when as a sensitive art teacher, you made us root for Ishaan Awasthi in Taarey Zamin Par.

A couple of generations before you, an Yusouf Khan had to become a Dilip Kumar to be accepted and a Mahajabeen Bano had to reinvent herself as Meena Kumari. Not you though.

You became a star in a new India. An India, where only your first name mattered. We loved you because you were Aamir, an actor. Neither your last name mattered to us, nor your faith.

But yesterday, you proved to us that for you and your wife at least , it is your last name that matters more than anything else.

Your name is Khan and you Sir, are a BIG hypocrite.

You did not scream intolerance when your city burned at the hands of some of Pakistan sponsored terrorists. Your wife did not feel insecure when a mammoth crowd of some 20000 people attended the funeral of a hanged terrorist. You were silent even when a mob from Reza Academy kicked and destroyed a national memorial and manhandled female cops.

But now, suddenly, your wife feels insecure in India and wants you to move out!!!! On the other hand let me inform you that Martyr Col Santosh Mahadik’s wife says both her children will join the Indian army to safeguard the country.

If I WERE indeed intolerant, I would suggest you move to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the safest place on earth, where Begum Kiran Rao Khan can feel absolutely secure inside her abaya and your little son can grow up watching public executions in a Riyadh square.

But I am not going to do that. As a tolerant Indian, the only thing I can and WILL do is to make sure that not even one rupee of my hard-earned money goes towards buying tickets for your movies.

Both of you are, as one of your movies was named, Nautanki Sala.


The ten ICC Cricket World Cups held so far, five different teams have won the tournament. Australia is the most successful World Cup team having won the tournament four times, and were runner up another three times.

West Indies won the first two tournaments, and India have also won it two times. Pakistan and Sri Lanka have won one tournament each. Sri Lanka (1996) and India (2011) are the only hosts to win, when they co-hosted the tournament.

Winners List

The following is a list of the winning country and runner up for each Cricket World Cup. Click on the country names for more country information, or click on the year for more information about the tournament for that year.

year winner runner-up
2011 India Sri Lanka
2007 Australia Sri Lanka
2003 Australia India
1999 Australia Pakistan
1996 Sri Lanka Australia
1992 Pakistan England
1987 Australia England
1983 India West Indies
1979 West Indies England
1975 West Indies Australia