A new life


-Shubham Rangari

Every year when the new year arrives we tend to make numerous new year resolutions , go around town telling people what we are gonna do in that new year . but how many of such resolutions make it ?
I am not a preacher and this article is not a lecture , but a shloka to meditate upon . question yourself , challenge yourself ,invest in yourself , work on yourself , no matter what . YES YOU CAN !!!
Your thinking reflects where you came from.Change who you are.Change the way you have been going around your life.Change these concepts that you have created in your mind in the past years.
A New Year a New Me, a New Life, it is not the moment of the clock that produces the newness of life it is the moment in your mind.In Order to do something you have never done you have to be someone you have never been ,that’s the reason why you must be born again.You have to die as you are now to become someone you want to be.You have to be willing to give up who you are now for what you can “BECOME”.A New outfit does not make you a new person and if you think that you can magically become a new person “YOU ARE WRONG!” I say that a new life comes from a new mind a new way to look at your life.

An Undisciplined life is an Insane Life.The road of life is straight and narrow,full of valleys and hills but a few people are willing to discipline themselves to take it on.You have to believe in your self. You have to believe in your Abilities.

You can never get to that level where you want to be Economically, Emotionally, Intellectually and Physically until you start investing in your mind. ”Are you reading books? “ If not start today not tomorrow.I am asking you to invest time in yourself.

If it was easy everybody would become the national champion,Millionare or Billionare,A superstar or Astronaut. But it isn’t easy . You have to do what you are supposed to do to create yourself.
You might argue that you don’t know how to do it.I say learn of whatever is required. “LEARN”
Just go out there it is possible to get what you want.
“Elon Musk is a Self taught programmer.He learned building rockets by reading books.Today he is the proud owner of tesla motors, SpaceX and Solar city with a net worth of 13 $ billion.”
This example shows that anything is possible.Life is about believing in yourself ,challenging yourself,Improving yourself.If you want your life to go to the next level you have to change your mindset at the point when you start hurting yourself really bad,When you cant take no more. ” You can do Anything! ”,”The only thing you cant do is QUIT!”

Whatever you want to become you can. For that you have to start to recreate yourself. You have to reborn. The Keyword that will help you transform is Commitment.Whatever commitment you have made keep the commitment to your commitment no matter what it is.If it is hard then do it hard but keep your commitment.

Published by Shubham Rangari

Wanterpreneur, civil engineer , Blogger, Thinker, music lover .

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