Being one with ourselves .

(This particular blog is Spontaneous flow of “thoughts” that I had this evening. The most powerful thing we have are these thoughts . I am deeply thankful to you for reading it . God bless .)
Here I am sitting on the top of my building , on the water tank . looking at the sun set into the horizon . cool breeze touching from all sides , like it wants to sooth me . Birds fly back to their home, the trees move to and fro in unison . I watch closely as the sky changes its color like a dynamic painting . I can see the mountains fade away , they become one with the sky like two individuals combine to be one. Life they say has become very busy , hectic and stressful. We study , work , raise a family and then die. Do you think that this happens to be the only reason we are here for ? Life is what we make of it , yes we have to do what is needed in life but we can’t miss out on the basic things that makes us human .
Engineering , law, medicine , business these are noble persuits , but poetry , love , beauty , wisdom & romance these are what makes us human .
When was the last time you went on a walk with a friend ?
When did you lie on the ground and watch the stars shine in the sky or watch the sun set or the birds fly or throw pebbles into a lake , saw the rainfall on the ground ,
talk to a loved one without getting distracted by you phone , sing along with your favorite song ?????
My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
The fact is that we are so busy in the race that we have forgotten that we are humans afterall , we have become very conscious about what people think of us rather than being ourselves.
What separates normal people with the ones who become successful and worthy is the simple fact that they realise that they are a soul , they connect with nature and God , treat everyone with compassion .
Be happy , express yourself , gain wisdom not just knowledge , connect with everyone , be true and Honest .
In the words of Lord Buddha :
“We are what we think , all that we are arises from our thoughts , with our thoughts we make our world .

Published by Shubham Rangari

Wanterpreneur, civil engineer , Blogger, Thinker, music lover .

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